Data Annotators from Data Labeling companies use various Data Annotation tools to annotate data and deliver quality Data Annotation and Data Labeling services. Data annotation and Data Labeling services are highly used in the following industry. Automobile Manufacturing E-Commerce Retail Healthcare Financial Agriculture Transportation & Logistics Cybersecurity Medical Research...
Introduction In the current pandemic situation, the major question that arises is How to create a COVID-19 safety working environment for Construction companies & further we’ll also discuss How AI and Data Annotation services can effectively be used for safety, tracking and monitoring of workforce. Why Safety is necessary ?...
Meaning Vehicle In- Cabin Monitoring means interior monitoring. It enhances safety, comfort, and convenience for all vehicle occupants. The system is able to detect many important things like Driver distraction Signs of drowsiness Whether a child has been left behind in the vehicle It Alerts the driver to critical...
E-commerce Machine Learning and Artificial intelligence (AI) has drastically changed the world of online shopping. It provides services to customers in many ways from ensuring security to providing assistance and making things in a more proper and easy manner. It helps the Retail/ e-commerce space to provide services to their...
What is Cuboid Annotation? 3D Cuboid annotations are the key elements to develop ML algorithms. Autonomous vehicle identifies objects from the 3D images, which are processed through LiDAR sensors. Machines can easily and accurately understand the annotations movement instead of the generalized form of the environment. Annotation professionals provide...
LiDAR stands for LIght Detection and Ranging. LiDAR Annotation: Identifies objects in a 3D point cloud and also draws bounding cuboids around the specified objects, returning the positions and sizes of these boxes. Cuboid annotations are the key elements to develop ML algorithms. This is how an autonomous vehicle...
Some of the main advantages of Data Labeling services are as follows: Data Labeling services help to improve the accuracy of data Data Labeling helps to increase the accuracy of data used to train machines and to run ML algorithms. The variety of data sets used to train the...
Agriculture Bounding Box Polygon Smart Logistic Semantic Segmentation Use Cases Agriculture With the advancement in technology, many ideas like perception models are developed to address the challenges of agricultural fields. These models, however, have enabled smarter assistance to the farmers resulting in increased field productivity. Our data annotation and...
1) Data Annotation & AI helps in the Diagnosis process Data Annotation and AI are now helping healthcare professionals to diagnose various diseases. Diagnostic process takes a lot of time. Annotation and AI in diagnosis can play a very important role in pathology by accurately identifying rare objects in...
Initial Step – Data Annotation & Data Labeling Services Data Annotation, ML and AI together have drastically changed the E-commerce sector. It provides services to customers & sellers in many ways. Some of the major benefits are as follows: It ensures security, provides assistance and increase the visibility of...