Looking for the Best Data Annotation service partner ?
Data Annotation & Data Labeling services to Power your Algorithms
Learning spiral has a workforce with diverse set of skills and the ability to deliver data annotation and data labeling services at scale. We have a rich history of 15+ years of handling sensitive data on a large scale. Our affordable data annotation and data labeling services provided by trained in-house dedicated professionals will ensure high quality labeled data to meet your needs.
- Computer Vision
- Data Enhancement
- Content Services
- Digital Publishing
We can help bridge the gap between
machines and humans.
Content Services
Attribute Mining, Search relevance Product taxonomy, Speech Recognition, Classification for unstructured data
Audio validation & transcription, Sentiment & Intent analysis, Named entity recognition & linking
Data Enhancement
Enhance, Refine Raw data, Ensuring accurate data from a provided source, Data normalization, Data/Entity Extraction
Content Services
Attribute Mining, Search relevance Product taxonomy, Speech Recognition, Classification for unstructured data
Audio validation & transcription, Sentiment & Intent analysis, Named entity recognition & linking
Data Enhancement
Enhance, Refine Raw data, Ensuring accurate data from a provided source, Data normalization, Data/Entity Extraction
Computer Vision
Bounding Box Annotation, Polygon Annotation, Key point & Skeletal Annotation, Semantic segmentation, Geospatial imaging
Digital Publishing
Pre- Publishing Services, Ebook design & production, Data Entry, XML Conversion, Adding animation, music & video to your digital publication
Our Technical Partners
Our Services provide high quality
labeled data for industries such as
Why Choose Us?

Experienced and Dependable
Rich history of handling sensitive and large amounts of data.
Scalability & Flexibility
Ability to deliver data annotation & Data labeling services on-demand and at scale.
Services delivered from ISO 27001 Compliant Organization
In-house & Trained
In-house, Professional, Dedicated and trained teams.
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