Some Major Industries that require Data Annotation services at scale  Automobile, Manufacturing, E-Commerce, Retail, Healthcare, Financial, Agriculture, Transportation & Logistics, Cybersecurity, Medical Research & Development, Education.  Without any doubt, the data-labeling and Data Annotation industry is spreading Globally but Some important Data Annotation Projects are as follows:  Chatbots  Chatbots...
DATA LABELING  Data labeling helps machines to gain an accurate understanding of real-world conditions and opens up many opportunities for a wide variety of businesses and industries. Data labeling is also used when constructing Machine learning algorithms for major industries like autonomous vehicles, healthcare, e-commerce, cybersecurity, entertainment, real estate, and...
DATA ANNOTATION  Under Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Data Annotation is one of the most important tasks if you have accurately annotated data, which means your data is properly structured or labeled, to teach your machine learning model to learn, predict, understand, and make decisions according to situations.  Meaning: Basically,...