DATA LABELING  Data labeling enables machines to gain an accurate understanding of real-world conditions and opens up opportunities for a wide variety of businesses and industries. Data labeling is the process of detecting and tagging unstructured data to structured datasets. The process can be manual or assisted by software....
Machine Learning   Machine learning is basically about the science of giving computers the ability to learn and it is being used daily in our lives through various significant applications such as self-driving cars, speech recognition, searches, and recommendations. And let us tell you a fact. Machine learning is one...
To power Machine learning we use Advance Data labeling Techniques that improve the quality of training data in an interactive manner after human correction takes Less time and greater output. Nothing is more essential than the quality and label data in Machine Learning to allow the machines to understand...
What is data labeling? Data labeling enables machines to gain an accurate understanding of real-world conditions and opens up opportunities for a wide variety of businesses and industries. Data labeling is the process of detecting and tagging unstructured data to structured datasets. The process can be manual or assisted...
DATA ANNOTATION  Data annotation consists, text annotation, image annotation, and video annotation using the various techniques as per the project requirements and machine learning algorithms compatibility. Data annotation is done to create the training data sets for AI and ML while image annotation is a very important type of...
Artificial intelligence is an area of computer science that emphasizes the creation of intelligent machines that work react like humans we all are aware of AI and it’s applications in our daily life nowadays but knowing this tech  Artificial intelligence (AI) is an area of computer science that emphasizes...
AI  Artificial Intelligence enhances the speed, precision, and effectiveness of human efforts. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is bringing drastic changes in technical fields and many businesses, where it can be implemented to automate the system for more efficiency and performance while we are quite unaware of how AI is making...
Data Labeling  Machines need labeled data to make the AI system, E-commerce, and the results from algorithms more accurate. Also, Machine learning needs proper datasets and model machines to learn much accurately to assist humans to achieve their goal and this is what machine learning is used for. Data...
What is labeled data? Under machine learning, if you have labeled data, that means your data is properly structured or annotated, to teach your machine learning model to predict, understand, and take decisions. In general, data labeling means tasks that include data tagging, annotation, moderation, categorization, transcription, or processing....
LIDAR Annotation and Labeling  LIDAR stands for LIght Detection and Ranging. It is a land surveying method that uses remote sensing technology emitting light that travels around the object and back to the receiver creating points every time it hits the object building a 3D map of the entire...