Artificial Intelligence

The deadly coronavirus (Covid 19) emerged in Wuhan, China, in December, triggering a global health emergency. With the coronavirus spreading in many countries artificial intelligence researchers are implementing machine learning techniques to social media, web, news and other data sources for subtle signs that the disease may be spreading anywhere else. The Coronavirus is already causing fear around the globe with the threat of this virus continuously increasing as every day new cases are coming out. Scientific and medical communities are using AI to understand and contain Covid-19, giving proper treatment to the infected patients, and ultimately developing vaccines that prevent outbreaks. However, all the countries affected by coronavirus are now taking vital steps to address and face it using AI and Data Science, Data annotation services provided by Data service providers across the world to get offer high quality data, so that the algorithms run by the professionals gives the best results & proper solutions to fight against Cor

This is how AI & Data Science is being used to fight against the deadly Coronavirus (COVID-19)

  • Helps to forecast the spread of the virus
    AI is being used to track the virus and fight against it. Through analyzing news reports, social media platforms, and government documents, AI detects an outbreak.
    Tracking infectious and dangerous disease risks by using AI is exactly what one of the startups AI company do and according to reports the same AI warned of the threat several days before the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention or the World Health Organization issued the public warnings.
  •  Helps to diagnose the virus  
    An AI company has started a coronavirus AI solution that helps to detect the virus efficiently another AI company has built an AI-powered diagnosis system and they claim that it is 96% accurate at diagnosing the virus in seconds. A supercomputer in China offers doctors around the world free access to an artificial intelligence diagnostic tool for early identification of Covid-19 patients based on a chest scan.

This is how AI is Helping to Diagnose Coronavirus across the world. 

  • Helps to develop drugs (AI Algorithms) 
    Latest AI algorithms are being run to understand the virus and then provide that necessary information to those who are developing the treatments for the following problems. An AI company that uses AI systems to develop drugs that can fight toughest diseases and is now supporting the teams to treat coronavirus, as a result, within weeks of the outbreak the company used its capabilities to propose existing drugs that might be useful to fight against the virus. 
  • Helps to share information (Chatbots) 
    Chatbots are significantly helping people in these two functions 
  • Help to Access to online health consultation services across the world 
  • AI has been an important communication tool for service providers in the travel and tourism industry to inform travelers updated on the latest travel, tourism procedures and disruptions.
  • Helps to develop a vaccine (supercomputers)
    Technology, artificial intelligence, and data science have become critical to helping researchers effectively deal with COVID-19 outbreak. Researchers through supercomputers and cloud computing resources are developing vaccine treatment for the virus,  Fast-tracking the development of a cure or vaccine for the virus to streamline and enhance the process to stop the panic of this disease rippling around the world.
  • Helps to deliver medical supplies ( Robots)
    AI to the Rescue: China and US use Robots as Waiters and Doctors to Combat Coronavirus. 

    Robots aren’t affected by the virus, so they are being deployed to do many works such as cleaning, sterilizing and delivering food and medicine to reduce the amount of human-to-human contact due to infectious disease. 

    A tiny robot called ‘Peanut’ has been going viral on social media after videos of it delivering food to people quarantined for suspected coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in Hangzhou, China. UVD robots from Blue Ocean Robotics use ultraviolet light to autonomously kill bacteria and viruses. In China, Pudu Technology deployed its robots that are typically used in the catering industry to more than 40 hospitals around the country. Another robot is helping doctors treat the first coronavirus patient in the US.

To take necessary steps and prevent the spread of Coronavirus.
AI is being used to track and monitor the deadly & infectious virus.
Below is the link to the Map of Coronavirus Case count across the world

All of this is possible only because machine learning algorithms are trained using annotated datasets that have helped improve their accuracy and solutions. Hundreds of trained team members backed by a strict NDA at Learning Spiral Ai (a data labeling service provider) and many other organisations have worked 24*7 delivering accurate labeling and data annotation tasks to help prepare the data sets. Let’s continue to work together to make the world a safer place to live.